Minggu, 21 April 2013

Museum Negeri West Nusa Tenggara

Museum Negeri West Nusa Tenggara
Museum Negeri West Nusa Tenggara is located in Panji Negara street  number 6, Ampenan. It's location is not really far from my home. If you want to get there, you can use a motorcycle, car, or other public transport. 
This Museum has  14 rooms; i.e:
1.      Lobby hall room
2.      Corridor room
3.      Permanent exhibition room I
4.      Permanent exhibition room  II
5.      Non-permanent exhibition room
6.      Library
7.      Auditorium
8.      Laboratory
9.      Preparation room
10.  Study collection room
11.  Warehouse
12.  Administrative room
13.  Guidance and education room
14.  Canteen
In this museum there are many unique things that attract the attention of many people, from the diverse collection, the museum is exhibiting interesting is also the mystical objects that may have supernatural powers in it.  . Many unique things that interest me and my friends, these unique objects are:
a.      Art Crafts
One of the art crafts practiced hereditary by the Sasak people is some kind of woodcraft which is producing some sorts of artisticthings such aswooden carving(for decoration), handles of pelocok, badik, word, and keris.
Some art crafts produced are: window, cigarette container, canting, jewelry container, rehan(holy qur’an base), pelocokan, holy qur’an box, ventilation ornaments.
b.      Household tools
Before the penetration of indusrial products into west nusa tenggara, the largest part of the household tools were locally made from terra cotta, wood, and empty coconut shells. The most important household tools, which are made of terra cotta, haven’t only used as a housekeeping purpose, but also has magical meanings.
Household utensils:
1.      Dulang and tembolaq, a brass tray to serve food.
2.      Kempu, a container for cake
3.      Nare, a tray for food
4.      Glass, for drinking water
5.      Oil lamp
6.      Ceret, a flask for drinking water
7.      Peludahan, a spittoon from Lombok
8.      Penginang for sirih chewing
9.      Cigar box, one of ceremonical complements. 
c.       Mysticism
The bounds of the mankind in front of nature and universe mysteries drove them to find a force which could help them in solvingtheir problems. Therefore they relied on many kinds of amulets, usually to tell fortunes, being given invulnerability,unharmed from possible dangers etc.
Some of mysticsm objects:
1.      Bebadong, a sort of sasak, to give immunity
2.      Kemalik genter, it believed can ward off the paddly pest
3.      Kemberasan, it believed can bring good luck
4.      A round stone, to tell fortunes
5.      A waist coat, to give immunity
6.      Poh jenggik, to bathe cattle, it believed can ward the dangers off

d.      Bima
1.      Helmets , from Dompu, formerly used as a hat in a battle. Used by the prime minister of  the Bima Sultanate
2.      Riffle gun, from Dompu
3.      Chain-mail, formerly used by the warrior of the Bima Sultanate
e.      Nekara
Nekara is one of the prehistorical remains which originated from the Perundagian age. It was mainly used as the ceremonical equipment in the “Upacara Minta Hujan” and to escort the corpose to burial ground in funeral ceremony. It was also used as the war drum.
1.      This nekara was found at Seran, Seteluk subdistrict, Sumbawa Besar in 1976
2.      This nekara was found at Sambelia, East Lombok in 1991

f.        Jurak Kamput
Original place in Lombok. It used to comfort the circumcised sasak boys who also called praje sunat. The praje sunat are seated on jaran kamput like horsemen and couple of people carried them in a parade arpund village.
g.      Transportation
Because of the people limited and lack of strength to carry loads from one place to another place. They have anidea to facilitate the transportation needs by making use of animals such as buffalo, cow, and horse.
h.      Hunting
Animal hunting such as bird, deer, wild chicken, and othes as well as the exploitali on for forest products is know by the people of west nusa tenggara since the prehistoric age.
            Many  functions of the museum, such as recreation, save a lot of collections of ancient objects, be it a collection of geology, biology, ethnography, archeology, history, numismatic, heraldic, philology, and ceramics. From the diverse collection, the museum is exhibiting interesting is also the mystical objects that may have supernatural powers in it. 

Some picture about unique things in Museum:


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